Sucking elimination
Whether it’s a thumb, finger or multiple fingers, a pacifier, the tongue, nail biting, or beyond. We will work together to develop a protocol to eliminate this habit. Noxious oral habits disrupt proper orofacial development by increasing mouth breathing, increasing tooth misalignment, and long facial growth. All of these oral habits negatively affect growth and development.
Comprehensive evaluation
A comprehensive evaluation includes an in-depth health history review with oral habit questionnaire, intra and extra oral photos, range of motion measurements, functional evaluation, and a short feeding evaluation. Once all information is gathered and evaluated, I will either call or bring you back in depending on your preference to discuss treatment options.
Pre and Post Frenectomy Therapy
During this therapy program, we will meet 3-5 times to practice several exercises in preparation for your frenectomy. After the procedure, we will meet for five sessions to review prior exercises and potentially introduce more to ensure proper healing and prevention of reattachment.
Myofunctional Therapy
Myofunctional therapy teaches proper technique to train muscles of the tongue, lips, and cheeks through exercises specifically chosen for your needs. This program is individualized and benefits those with the following disorders: tongue tie or tethered oral tissues, tongue thrust, jaw pain, mild sleep apnea, low tongue resting posture, postural problems, open bite, and more.